At the end of Year 6, children will sit tests in:
These tests will be both set and marked externally, and the results will be used to measure the school’s performance (for example, through reporting to Ofsted and published league tables). Your child’s marks will be used in conjunction with teacher assessment to give a broader picture of their attainment.
The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 11 May to Thursday 14 May 2020.
The actual dates of each test are yet to be confirmed but are likely to be as follows:
Monday 11 May 2020 English grammar, punctuation spelling papers 1 and 2
Tuesday 12 May 2020 Reading paper
Wednesday 13 May 2020 Maths paper 1: arithmetic & Maths paper 2: reasoning
Thursday 14 May 2020 Maths paper 3
The reading test will be a single paper with questions based on three passages of text. Your child will have one hour, including reading time, to complete the test.
There will be a selection of question types, including:
Key Stage 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling test
The grammar, punctuation and spelling test will consist of two parts: a grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes, and an aural spelling test of 20 words, lasting around 15 minutes.
The grammar and punctuation test will include two sub-types of questions:
Children will sit three papers in maths:
Paper 1 will consist of fixed response questions, where children have to give the correct answer to calculations, including long multiplication and division. Papers 2 and 3 will involve a number of question types, including:
Children will be given scaled scores which represent their marks in the test. You will be given your child’s raw score (the actual number of marks they get), alongside their scaled score and whether they have reached the national average. The score needed to reach the national average has yet to be announced. Further details of this will be included within our end of year 6 reports alongside your child's results.