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Through the teaching of writing we aim to develop independent writers who: 


  • Enjoy writing as a form of communication;
  • Have an understanding of how authors use language to create mood and effect;
  • Use languages effectively to communicate for a range of purposes to varying audiences;
  • Write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences;  
  • Write neatly and effectively in a way that is appropriate to purpose;
  • Spell accurately and have an understanding of phonics principles


Our writing skills progression map and long term maps can be viewed here:


Writing Skills Progression and Long Term Writing Overview

Exciting Sentences




At EFPS, we use Spelling Shed to support the teaching of spelling throughout the school.  All KS2 children can access the Spelling Shed website which includes Phonics Shed too. The website can be found here 


As part of the teaching of spelling, children are also asked to learn termly 'challenge words' across the year.  For more information on this and how to use the Spelling Shed website, please use the links below. 


Guide to Using Spelling Shed

Challenge Words for KS1 and KS2

Tips for Learning Spellings

Spelling League Years 2-6: Is your class top of the league this week?

Assignment Ranks and the Mastery Zone 




Initially, children are taught to form their letters using print (pre-cursive). This is taught using our Anima Phonics phonics scheme. We use formation phrases/ rhymes to support the children in learning to form the letters correctly.  If you would like to view these phrases, click below: 


Formation Phrases for Letter Formation 


Once children are confident in this (usually from summer term in year one) they  are taught to write cursively using ‘Letter-join’ throughout the school.  Children are able to access the Letter-join website at home which is great for practising the formation of letters. Please see the link below for further information about this. 


How to access Letter-join at home




Grammar is taught throughout the school within English lessons.  The links below provide some useful guidance to some of the terminology that the children are familiar with. These may also support any queries within homework that has been set. 


Helpful Grammar Videos

Guide to Grammar


Other useful websites:


Click here

