Welcome to the Edward Francis Primary School Website, we hope you enjoy your visit!
Class Planters and Gardening Club
Have you noticed how our school site is looking more colourful recently?
It's all down to a range of people we would like to thank.
Firstly, thank you to all of you who donated plants for the class planters.
They have all been planted up now and placed around the school building and are looking really good.
(And thank you to Mrs Walker who came up with the idea!)
Secondly thank you to the Gardening Club who are not only looking after the class planters, but have been working very hard keeping all the bedding areas around the school building dug over, weed free and looking good.
A special thank you goes to Miss Celejewski, Mrs Parson and Mrs Seaden who have been giving up their lunch times to help supervise the willing volunteers from different year groups to make our school site look so good.