We have received planning permission to make a number of building improvements. Amongst other things we will be joining the school buildings with a short corridor and moving the main office to a more central, easier to access location. Building plans for the project can be seen below. We are hoping that these improvements will be complete by the time the children return after the summer holiday. In order for this to happen, building work will have to begin during the half-term break and continue for the remainder of the summer term. This will cause some inconvenience and we apologise in advance for this:
- The central gate (between the school buildings) will be inaccessible. Parents who wish to come into the school office must use the lower school gate. Children and parents will not be able to use the central gate to leave the site at the end of the day
- Part of the school car park will be fenced off for use by the contractor meaning that it will be more congested than usual. It is therefore even more important that parents do not come into the school car park without permission.
- Obviously, safety for the users of the site will be paramount. We would appreciate it if you could speak to your child(ren) about the dangers of building sites.