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  • Visit to School by Author - E R Reilly

    Tue 22 Mar 2011

    Today we had a visit from the published children's author E R Reilly.

    He talked to the children about the books he has written, gave them some 'top tips' on story writing and read parts of some of his stories as well.

    There were also lots of opportunities for the children to talk to each other about his stories and ideas they have for stories!

    He then took questions from the children, who asked him questions about the number of books he has written (13), what his favourite book is (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and where he got some of his ideas from.

    Your child will have bought a letter home today outlining the E R Reilly books that you are able to purchase form the school over the coming days. The books are priced between £5 and £6.

    Thank you to Mrs Humphreys for organising this visit.

    For more information about E R Reilly and his books visit his own website:

  • Comic Relief 2011 - Photos added

    Fri 18 Mar 2011
    Today instead of the sea of blue we usually see in assembly and on the playground, we saw a sea of red. Red shirts, red hats, red shoes, red glasses, red hair & wigs and of course red noses.

    As a school we raised over £250 for Comic Relief today, so well done to all of you!

    A special mention goes to the children who made and sold bookmarks to boost our Comic Relief coffers.

    Uploaded below are some photos taken on the day and some scanned in pictures (which is why they don't show up on the page until you click them!) of some red nose designs the Year 6 children completed today.
  • Marie Curie Little Pots of Care

    Thu 03 Mar 2011

    Over the last few days the children have been bringing in the daffodils they have been trying to grow to raise awareness and money for The Marie Curie Cancer Care charity.



    As many daffodils have yet to flower and some have flowered and died, we decided to judge the pot labels the children had completed.

    The winning labels are pictured below.

    Thank you for all those who took part, and everyone who donated some money or collected money for the charity.